I have a document that requires translating. But first, I'd want to get a quotation. How should I proceed?
Click the "GET FREE QUOTE >>" button on the main page, fill out the form, and then choose the material you want to be quoted.
For files up to 25 MB on your computer, attach it by clicking "UPLOAD FILE". You can add multiple files simultaneously.
File formats you may attach are txt, pdf, xls, docx, avi, mp4, mp3, ogg, html, and xls.
Just paste the URL online file into the "URL" section.
We will receive your quote request and get back to you quickly. There is no cost for the budget.
I have received the quote. What is the next step?
Confirm the budget approval by replying to the tradumedia@tradumediainternational.com.br email that will be sent to you and add the relevant information for carrying out the work
We will then send a service provision contract in digital format that must be signed by the customer and returned scanned.
As soon as we receive the scanned contract, we will begin translating the file and, once completed, we will send it by email or via a copy chosen by the customer.
Upon receipt and approval of the work carried out, the client must inform Tradumedia International, which will issue the NFe to the client for payment for the work.
This is the standard way of working. However, if the client has a specific way of dealing with translation projects, just let us know.